I should have done this two years ago. Very helpful with abstinence and recovery. I feel real progress.
Surrogate partner to the same gender parent
For more information on parenting visit KidsInTheHouse.com
Surrogate partner to the same gender parent
So what are the differences when a child, a son or a daughter has played a role of surrogate husband or wife to the same gender parent? Say a daughter with a mother or a son with a father. It͛s not very common that we see a son with a father.
More typically though, we do see the daughter being the mother͛s partner, best friend at the cost of the husband. We tend to see both sexual andrelationship problems and over caretaking with this group. Also, we see a lot of eating disorders with daughters who are enmeshed with their mothers. They can͛t separate from their mothers, but say ”I will eat what I want and you can͛t tell me what I can eat. I have to listen to you talk about my dad, I have to listen to your loneliness, but I have some autonomy and I act it out with food”. That͛s a fairly common issue with women who are enmeshed with their mothers. And so the treatment of that group is very similar to opposite gender. They have to separate. And even though there is not a romantic relationship between the daughter and a mother, sometimes the daughter will internalize the mother͛s anger or dissatisfaction or disappointment with men and then she will have a hard time bonding with a men. This becomes a way to remain loyal to her mother. So the treatment goal is very similar. There has to be a separation and an individuation from the parent. I don͛t mean that you stop seeing them. People can move across the country and not see their parents and still be enmeshed with them. It really is an emotionally maturing: ͚I͛m in charge of this conversation mommy, daddy, you͛re not. You can͛t run my life.” So, really they are becoming their own woman, regardless of the gender of the parent. The process of individuation or seperation is the critical issue.
Sexual Addiction
My overall impression of the Beginnings Care Program in regards to codependency and addiction is both informative and supportive! Giving me the opportunity to learn, grow and heal rather than continue with all the negative coping. It has also benefited my recovery by helping me to ‘detach’ and be healthier while doing so.
This program is a great program. It is an outlet for an addictive problem, that goes beyond a 12-Step Program. Number one benefit – Education. The education about this addiction was a godsend. Then the process of walking us through all those recovery steps with homework, was very good. Makes you think and recognize what this addiction has done to your life.
I have made significant strides in my recovery. Some more order has been restored to my life [by this program]. This part of my recovery revealed some wounds that need healing.
This program is ground -breaking and keeps you centered in recovery. It has allowed me to remain in my marriage and conitnue my recovery.