Partners and spouses of sex addicts suffer specific and significant trauma due to the deceit and crazy making inherent in the double life of a sex addict. Emotional, physical, mental, and sexual trauma may all be present in the partner of a sex addict. We at Kenneth M. Adams and Associates treat the trauma that results from these sources of abuse. We provide support and guidance to help survivors deal with the emotional pain, loss, and anger. We assist in validating feelings and experiences as credible and help the partner reclaim their reality and judgment. We provide guidance in setting up a self care plan and a set of non-negotiables in dealing with the addict.
Partners and Spouses of Sex Addicts Trauma
Sexual Addiction
[This] program [is] absolutley critical to dealing with Sex Addiction.
My desperation has gone away.
Addicts Recovery Group – Dave
The nurturing environment combined with the accountability was exactly what I needed to begin breaking through my codependency habits.
I wish I had participated in this program the first time [I found] out about my partner’s addiction.
This has been the most formative experience in my recovery. It has broken through my denial and into more of who I am. It was integrated directly with my individual therapy.
Addicts Recovery Group – Andy
Incredible! I am learning to listen to my body. Each week I learn something new about myself through the homework. Much greater awareness. I have choices. Learning not to be so reactionary. I feel freer.