The nurturing environment combined with the accountability was exactly what I needed to begin breaking through my codependency habits.
At Kenneth M. Adams and Associates, we provide a range of services to deal with the problem of sex addiction, trauma, and sexual abuse.
Sexual addiction recovery requires multiple interventions at critical points in the sexual addiction recovery process. Sex addiction is a multi dimensional disorder that responds best when the individual dealing with sex addiction is willing to take advantage of specific services as the need arises in the sexual addiction recovery process. The sexual addiction recovery process assists sex addicts in altering long standing patterns and embrace sexual health.
Individuals needing sexual abuse recovery will find help in our specialized individual therapy, EMDR techniques, and/or trauma recovery groups. Sexual abuse recovery requires a sensitive and supportive approach. Our approach to sexual abuse recovery offers clients a chance to heal from the painful effects of sexual abuse and lead more fulfilling lives.
Please contact us for further information or to schedule an appointment.
Beginnings Care Program
The Beginnings Care Program is a 8-week program for individuals with sexual compulsion and/or their spouses or partners. It is a combination of educational classes and small group experiences done in an atmosphere of safety, confidentiality, and respect.
Both the addict and their partner leave with a written recovery plan and having completed basic core tasks necessary for recovery. This program is a unique and rich experience for those recovering from sexual addiction and its effects. In some cases a screening/assessment session (at additional cost) may be needed in order for us to determine a candidate is a good fit and will derive optimum benefit from the program.
Individual Therapy
The staff at Kenneth M. Adams and Associates is specifically trained and experienced to provide specialized individual therapy for addicts, spouses or partners of addicts, and survivors of childhood trauma. We are experienced in traditional methods of psychotherapy as well as addiction and trauma approaches. We also have staff trained in trauma specific EMDR technique and most or our staff is Certified Sex Addiction Therapists.
Group Therapy for Sex or Porn Addiction
We offer multiple groups for different levels of recovery for sex and porn addiction using the workbook materials pioneered by Dr. Patrick Carnes. These groups compliment individual therapy by managing addiction in a structured setting. Please contact the office for dates and times. Group is open to
Trauma Resolution Group
Trauma Resolution Group is a weekly, ongoing group designed for survivors of childhood trauma who are looking for increased resolution of trauma and life competency skills. The group utilizes experiential techniques that assist participants to access the core feelings surrounding the trauma and reprocess the negative core beliefs that are still in place. This intense, but rewarding experience has helped many to move beyond their abuse. It is appropriate also for addicts who have established a stable program of recovery. Weekly individual therapy is required for all participants.
Trauma Specific EMDR Technique
Staff at Kenneth M. Adams and Associates has been trained in conducting EMDR. EMDR is short for eye movement and reprocessing. It is a powerful new tool that helps in reprocessing childhood trauma and other psychological distress. It is done in an individual session and can augment other individual therapy.
Couples or Marriage Counseling
We provide specialized couples or marriage counseling for couples dealing with sexual addiction. Included in our approach to couples or marriage counseling is helping couples manage the consequence of addiction, build positive communication skills, reduce shame, rebuild trust, deal with disclosure of secrets, and develop a healthy sexual life. We also have specialized couples workshops that can augment ongoing couples or marriage counseling.
Our approach to couples or marriage counseling takes into account the unique challenges faced by couples dealing with sexual infidelity and betrayal. The loss of trust from dealing with infidelity from sexual addiction requires embracing a recovery process that takes into account the challenges faced by the sex addict and spouse as they attempt to rebuild their relationship. Hope and change are possible.
Partners and Spouses Treatment
Many partners and spouses of sex addicts are burdened with feelings of betrayal, isolation, mistrust, anger, vigilance, and a sense of unreality due to the infidelity caused by the addiction. They have difficulty regaining their emotional balance and are often in acute distress. At Kenneth M. Adams we are particularly sensitive to the specific concerns of those suffering from the impact of a partner’s sex addiction and subsequent infidelity. Through supportive and clarifying individual therapy, education from the Beginnings Care Program, partners of sex addicts can heal from the effects of the infidelity and betrayal. They can build a renewed sense of themselves and learn they are not alone.
Infidelity is commonly associated with actual physical, sexual contact with another person outside of a committed relationship. However, spouses of sex addicts report reactions similar to this form of infidelity even if there is not direct physical, sexual contact with another person. Addicts chatting sexually online, viewing pornography, masturbating to images and fantasy following internet use produce low self-esteem, self-blame, mistrust, and negative comparisons to the “other” in spouses normally found with infidelity involving another person physically.
Tele-Care therapy and Consultation
We provide phone and video consultation in particular instances when We provide tele-health therapy to individuals in Michigan and some other states. Please check our staff page to confirm availability.