I believe the BCP is a wonderful program that opened my eyes to issues and problems I had been denying for years. It benefited my recovery because I now know my relationship with my wife was heading towards a disasterous end. I feel this program has stopped that course and given us the tools for recovery and comunication that will last a lifetime.
At Kenneth M. Adams and Associates, we provide a range of services to deal with the problem of sex addiction, trauma, and sexual abuse. Sexual addiction recovery requires multiple interventions at critical points in the sexual addiction recovery process…
Sexual Addiction Workshops and Programs
Intensives and workshops may better address sex addiction/trauma in a safe but accelerated environment. Find the intensives and workshops offered for sex addiction recovery that we offer at Kenneth M. Adams and Associates here.
Workshops, Webinars and Programs
For a more detailed and comprehensive look into enmeshment, we’ve created overcomingenmeshment.com. You’ll find resources such as the blog, Dr. Adams’ books, upcoming workshops, and a list of therapists trained in enmeshment.
Sexual Addiction
Complete program. [It] made me look at things I’ve been running from for 26 years. Beauty was that it also gave me the tools to cope.
My desperation has gone away.
This has been the most formative experience in my recovery. It has broken through my denial and into more of who I am. It was integrated directly with my individual therapy.
This program is a great program. It is an outlet for an addictive problem, that goes beyond a 12-Step Program. Number one benefit – Education. The education about this addiction was a godsend. Then the process of walking us through all those recovery steps with homework, was very good. Makes you think and recognize what this addiction has done to your life.
The program here at Ken Adams and Associates helped save our marriage. It gave my wife and me a chance to feel hopeful again. Dealing with my addiction has been difficult. But, here, I found a place that helps me understand myself and feel less shame. I am so grateful to have found my way to this program.