Is Internet Porn Addiction Real?
Is Internet Porn Addiction Real?
The nurturing environment combined with the accountability was exactly what I needed to begin breaking through my codependency habits.
Complete program. [It] made me look at things I’ve been running from for 26 years. Beauty was that it also gave me the tools to cope.
The program here at Ken Adams and Associates helped save our marriage. It gave my wife and me a chance to feel hopeful again. Dealing with my addiction has been difficult. But, here, I found a place that helps me understand myself and feel less shame. I am so grateful to have found my way to this program.
This program is ground -breaking and keeps you centered in recovery. It has allowed me to remain in my marriage and conitnue my recovery.
I should have done this two years ago. Very helpful with abstinence and recovery. I feel real progress.
I wish I had participated in this program the first time [I found] out about my partner’s addiction.