This program is ground -breaking and keeps you centered in recovery. It has allowed me to remain in my marriage and conitnue my recovery.
Clinical Management of Sex Addiction
co-edited by
Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D. and
Kenneth M. Adams, Ph. D.
co-edited by
Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D. and
Kenneth M. Adams, Ph. D.
Excerpt from book – Sexual addiction can best be conceptualized as an intimacy disorder manifested as a compulsive cycle of preoccupation, ritualization, sexual behavior, and despair. Central to the disorder is the inability of the individual to adequately bond and attach in intimate relationships. The origin of the disorder is rooted in early attachment failure with primary caregivers. Sexual addiction becomes a way to compensate for this early attachment failure.
‘The ultimate Clinical Text of Sex Addiction. Without question, this book is a classic – practical, timely, competent, and clear. It is a must for every therapist’s resource library.’ – John C. Friel, PhD, licensed psychologist in full-time private practice and best-selling author
‘Regardless of theoretical orientation, the reader will find this book a treasure-trove of clinical wisdom and treatment ideas for problematic sexual behavior. This is certainly the ‘must-have’ volume for my bookshelf.’ – Dennis P. Sugrue, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School, and President of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
‘A very needed and useful anthology for both the new and seasoned clinician treating clients with out-of-control sexual behaviors, this book includes good ‘how-to’ information as well as a good overview for treatment.’ – Carol Ross, MA, Therapist, Sierra Tucson, and national speaker and author on sex addiction
This is the first comprehensive volume of the clinical management of sex addiction. Collecting the work of 28 leaders in this emerging field, the editors provide a long-needed primary text about how to approach treatment with these challenging patients. The book serves as an excellent introduction for professionals new to the field as well as serving as a useful reference tool. The contributors are literally the pioneers of one of the last frontiers of addiction medicine and sex therapy.
With a growing awareness of sex addiction as a problem, plus the advent of cybersex compulsion, professional clinicians are being confronted with sexual compulsion with little clinical or academic preparation. This is the first book distilling the experience of the leaders in this emerging field. With a focus on special populations, it also becomes a handy problem-solving tool. Readable, concise, and filled with useful interventions, it is a key text for a problem clinicians must be able to identify. It is destined to be a classic reference.
This program is ground -breaking and keeps you centered in recovery. It has allowed me to remain in my marriage and conitnue my recovery.
This has been the most formative experience in my recovery. It has broken through my denial and into more of who I am. It was integrated directly with my individual therapy.
Incredible! I am learning to listen to my body. Each week I learn something new about myself through the homework. Much greater awareness. I have choices. Learning not to be so reactionary. I feel freer.
The program here at Ken Adams and Associates helped save our marriage. It gave my wife and me a chance to feel hopeful again. Dealing with my addiction has been difficult. But, here, I found a place that helps me understand myself and feel less shame. I am so grateful to have found my way to this program.
My desperation has gone away.