My overall impression of the Beginnings Care Program in regards to codependency and addiction is both informative and supportive! Giving me the opportunity to learn, grow and heal rather than continue with all the negative coping. It has also benefited my recovery by helping me to ‘detach’ and be healthier while doing so.
When He’s Married to Mom: How to Help Mother-Enmeshed Men Open Their Hearts to True Love and Commitment
by Kenneth M. Adams, Ph.D. with Alexander P. Morgan
Excerpt from book – In his unconscious – and sometimes conscious – mind, a mother-enmeshed man is representing his mother’s interests, while his own have become secondary. If he does something he thinks she wouldn’t like, he feels disloyal to her. If he “gets serious” about a woman, suddenly, without understanding why, he is overwhelmed with feelings of fear, anxiety, and guilt. Ambivalence and withdrawal inevitably follow. Read more…
Silently Seduced: When Parents Make Their Children Partners, Understanding Covert Incest
Revised and Updated by Kenneth M. Adams, Ph.D.
Excerpt from book – Covert incest occurs when a child becomes the object of a parent’s affection, love, passion, and preoccupation. The parent, motivated by the loneliness and emptiness created by a chronically troubled marriage or relationship, makes the child a surrogate partner. The boundary between caring and incestuous love is crossed when the child exists to meet the needs of the parent rather than the child. Read more…
A Light in the Dark: The Hidden Legacy of Adult Children of Sex Addicts
by Kenneth M. Adams, Mary E. Meyer, Culle L. Vande Garde
A groundbreaking book detailing the unique issues experienced by adult children who grew up with a sexually addicted parent and offering a path to unburden their shameful legacy and embrace sexuality and intimacy without the intrusion or constraints from the past.
Clinical Management of Sex Addiction
co-edited by Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D. and Kenneth M. Adams, Ph.D.
Excerpt from book – Sexual addiction can best be conceptualized as an intimacy disorder manifested as a compulsive cycle of preoccupation, ritualization, sexual behavior, and despair. Central to the disorder is the inability of the individual to adequately bond and attach in intimate relationships. The origin of the disorder is rooted in early attachment failure with primary caregivers. Sexual addiction becomes a way to compensate for this early attachment failure. Read more…
Sexual Addiction
Very informative. The program gave me the tools necessary to start and be able to maintain sobriety. The speakers were wonderful and things were broken down into easy to follow language. Thanks to everyone.
I believe the BCP is a wonderful program that opened my eyes to issues and problems I had been denying for years. It benefited my recovery because I now know my relationship with my wife was heading towards a disasterous end. I feel this program has stopped that course and given us the tools for recovery and comunication that will last a lifetime.
This program is a great program. It is an outlet for an addictive problem, that goes beyond a 12-Step Program. Number one benefit – Education. The education about this addiction was a godsend. Then the process of walking us through all those recovery steps with homework, was very good. Makes you think and recognize what this addiction has done to your life.
I should have done this two years ago. Very helpful with abstinence and recovery. I feel real progress.