My overall impression of the Beginnings Care Program in regards to codependency and addiction is both informative and supportive! Giving me the opportunity to learn, grow and heal rather than continue with all the negative coping. It has also benefited my recovery by helping me to ‘detach’ and be healthier while doing so.
A Light in the Dark Workshop Series: Beginning the journey of healing for Adult Children of Sexually Addicted Parents (ACSAs)
Facilitated by Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Leilani Sinclair (LMFT/CSAT), this workshop series addresses the unique issues and challenges commonly experienced by adult children who grew up in a home with a sexually addicted parent. While not focusing on blaming parents for the past, this workshop provides a safe, supportive and educational environment for participants to learn, understand and heal from the lasting personal toll they experienced as a result of their parent’s addiction.
The goal of the series is to provide tools and a path forward that fosters a new legacy of joy and wholeness that is free from past addiction, shame and intergenerational trauma.
Dr. Kenneth Adams will join the workshop to give a brief introduction and overview. Dr. Adams co-authored A Light in the Dark, The Hidden Legacy of Adult Children of Sex Addicts, released in February 2023.
This educational workshop is for anyone who has a parent they consider to have been a sex addict. Participants are likely to have been negatively impacted by a parent’s sexually addictive or damaging behavior in ways that include, but are not limited to:
- Witnessing a parent’s sexualized and inappropriate sexual behavior
- Witnessing parent’s arguments and conflict
- Feeling ashamed of a parent’s sexual behavior
- Feeling the need to side with or caretake a parent
- Struggling with one’s own sexuality in adulthood
This Educational Workshop will help participants:
-Identify the distinct roles and characteristics that ACSAs assume in order to cope with the impact of a parent’s sexual addiction on the family system
-Understand how intergenerational trauma manifests in a sexually addicted family by transmitting a legacy of sexual shame that impairs an adult child’s ability to experience fulfilling relationships, self-esteem and healthy sexuality and intimacy
-Take steps to release the burden of unwarranted shame, confusion and distorted beliefs that are unconsciously assumed by ACSAs
-Create an individualized self-care plan focused on joy and healing, based on the ACSA Bill of Rights and responsibilities contained in “A Light in the Dark” book