I believe the BCP is a wonderful program that opened my eyes to issues and problems I had been denying for years. It benefited my recovery because I now know my relationship with my wife was heading towards a disasterous end. I feel this program has stopped that course and given us the tools for recovery and comunication that will last a lifetime.
Curriculum Vitae
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Ph.D. – Educational and Clinical Psychology, 1987 M.A. – School and Community Psychology, 1981
University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI B. A. – Psychology, 1979 Graduated with Distinction
May 1982 – Present Member of the Michigan Psychological Association
April 1982 – Present Member of the American Psychological Association
April 1997 – 2015 Member of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health
January 2005 – Present Member of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals
October 1983 – Present Kenneth M. Adams and Associations, P. C., Royal Oak, MI Clinical Director, providing individual, group, couple, and family psychotherapy in a comprehensive outpatient program for sex addiction and other trauma induced intimacy disorders.
January 2006 – Present International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP), Carefree, AZ Faculty member, training facilitator and supervisor.
December 1991 – October 1993 Sierra Tucson, Tucson, AZ National Education Trainer, on Covert Incest and Addictions
October 1988 – April 1992 Guest House, Inc., Lake Orion, MI Consultant on sexuality and sexual addiction to the chemical dependency program for Catholic Priests, Brothers and Seminarians.
September 1986 – January 1991 Children of Alcoholics Parents Program, Warren, MI Providing psychotherapy to adult children of alcoholic parents.
August 1986 – September 1987 Children’s Hospital of Michigan – Detroit, MI Consultant to Neonatology Development Assessment Clinic providing psycho-diagnostic assessments.
June 1986 – October 1986 Community Commission on Drug Abuse, Livonia, MI Director and Research Consultant of adolescent substance abuse program.
Sept. 1981 – Sept. 1986 Aurora Child & Youth Mental Health Hospital, Detroit, MI Psycho-diagnostic and psychotherapy for children, youth, and families
January 2005 – Present International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals, Carefree, AZ Advisory board member.
August 1993 – Present Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health, Atlanta, GA, Advisory board member.
April 1998 – Present Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, Publication of Brunner-Routledge, Inc., New York, NY Editorial Board Member. Peer reviewing of articles, writing book reviews, shaping editorial policy. Responsible for developing Clinical Problem Solving section of Journal.
March 2002 – March 2003 Guest House-Recovery Residence, Lake Orion, MI Advisory board member.
Adams, K. M. (2018): Covert Seduction and its Effect on Boys and Men. In R. B. Gartner (Ed) Healing Sexually Betrayed Men and Boys: Treatment for Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Trauma, (pp 213-232). New York NY: Routledge.
Adams, K. M., and Love, T. (2018) The Aetiology and Differential Diagnosis of Sex Addiction – An Overview, In T. Birchard & J. Benfield (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Addiction, (pp 107-120). New York NY: Routledge.
Adams, K. M. (2017): A 30-Year Perspective on the Field of Sex Addiction. In J. P. Schneider, D. Kaplan & M. Laaser (Eds) Reflections on the History of the Sex Addiction Field, (pp 107-120). New York NY: Routledge.
Adams, K. M. (2011). Silently Seduced Revised and Updated: When Parents Make Their Children Partners. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc.
Adams, K. M. (2008) Cybersex: The Crack “Cocaine” of Sex Addiction. The National Psychologist, pg. 6, May/June 2008.
Adams, K. M. with Morgan, A. P. (2007). When He’s Married to Mom: Helping Mother-Enmeshed Men Open Their Hearts to True Love and Commitment. Fireside. NY, NY.
Adams, K. M. (2003, Vol. 10, No.2-3). Clergy Sex Abuse: A Commentary. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (2003, Vol. 10, No. 2-3). Book Review: Sacred Silence: Denial and the Crisis in the Church. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (2002, Vol. 9, No. 2-3). Sexual Harassment Revisited: An Opinion. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. & Robinson, D. W. (2001 Vol. 8, No.1). Shame Reduction, Affect Regulation and Sexual Boundary Development: Essential Building Blocks in Sex Addiction Treatment. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (1999 Vol. 6, No. 3). Sexual Harassment as Cycles of Trauma Reenactment and Sexual Compulsivity. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (1998, Vol. 5, No. 1). Guest editor – Special Issue: Clinical Problem-Solving in Sex Addiction Case Management. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (1998, Vol. 5, No. 3). Book Review: Treating Sexual Shame. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (1996, December Vol. 3, No. 4). Case Study. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. 1995, Vol. 2, No. 4). Book Review: Sex Addiction: Case Studies and Management. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Adams, K. M. (1994, Fall). Mom’s Little Man: Understanding Covert Incest. Male Spirit, p. 4.
Adams, K. M. (1991). Silently Seduced: Understanding Covert Incest: When Parents Make Their Children Partners. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc.
Adams, K. M. (1988, June/July). Sex Addiction Recover and Intimacy: The Power of Romantic Delusions. Focus on Chemically Dependent Families, pp. 20-21, 35, 37
Adams, K. M. (1987, May/June). Sexual Addiction and Covert Incest: Connecting the Family Roots of Alcoholism, Neglect and Abuse. Focus on Chemically Dependent Families, pp. 10-11, 46.
Carnes, P.J. & Adams, K.M. (2002). The Clinical Management of Sex Addiction. Edited Brunner-Routledge, New York, NY.
Jore, J., Green, B., Adams, K. M., & Carnes, P. (2016). Attachment dysfunction and relationship preoccupation. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 23, 56-90.
Laaser, M. & Adams, K. M. (1997, Vol. 4, No.4). Pastors and Sexual Addiction. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Presented and conducted between 500 to 1,000 workshops and presentations on Sex Addiction, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Cybersex, Sex Addiction & Personality Disorders, Couples, Enmeshment, Incest, Alcoholic Families, Clergy Abuse, Sexual Shame, Trauma Induced Intimacy Disorders.
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist – Level 2, Supervisor, Training Facilitator. May 2001, Meadows Institute, Wickenburg, AZ.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – Level II. July 1998 EMDR Institute.
2016 “Lifetime Achievement Award” from International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) for “outstanding work with trauma and addiction.”
2011 The “Carnes Award” from Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) for “outstanding work in the field of sexual addiction and compulsivity.”
2001 “Reader’s Choice Award,” voted “Article of the Year” Shame Reduction, Affect Regulation and Sexual Boundary Development: Essential Building Blocks in Sex Addiction Treatment by subscribers of Sexual Addiction and compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., internationally recognized author and expert on sex addiction, wrote the following in his review of Ken’s first book, Silently Seduced, “Author, Ken Adams, is one of those rare combinations of competence as a writer, clinician, and researcher. This book is developing a loyal readership fast, which is probably because Ken is one of the more astute observers of the connections between shame, abuse, and sex addiction.”
Renee S. Katz. Ph.D. has said the following about Dr. Adams: “Outstanding! Dr. Adams is an engaging, stimulating presenter. His material was thorough, substantive, sophisticated, and totally accessible. I’ve already applied many of his concepts to my work and look forward to hearing more.”
Murray David Schane, M.D., Chairperson of the 2010 Male Survivor Conference in NYC, had this to say, “I want to thank you for giving a most stirring and significant presentation. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, even exultant. The impact on the attendees had personal appeal for everyone and so contributed to actualizing the theme of the conference: hope and healing. Your speech on mother-son enmeshment was a major contribution to an area often ignored, suppressed and over-looked. Many men commented to me on how valuable they found your presentation.”
Sexual Addiction
Incredible! I am learning to listen to my body. Each week I learn something new about myself through the homework. Much greater awareness. I have choices. Learning not to be so reactionary. I feel freer.
This program is a great program. It is an outlet for an addictive problem, that goes beyond a 12-Step Program. Number one benefit – Education. The education about this addiction was a godsend. Then the process of walking us through all those recovery steps with homework, was very good. Makes you think and recognize what this addiction has done to your life.
Complete program. [It] made me look at things I’ve been running from for 26 years. Beauty was that it also gave me the tools to cope.
My overall impression of the Beginnings Care Program in regards to codependency and addiction is both informative and supportive! Giving me the opportunity to learn, grow and heal rather than continue with all the negative coping. It has also benefited my recovery by helping me to ‘detach’ and be healthier while doing so.