Having a relationship with a partner who is too attached to their parent

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Having a relationship with a partner who is too attached to their parent

What are some of the problems that a couple has where one of the partners is still bonded or attached too much to a parent?

Well the obvious one is that in order for a relationship to function, a romantic primary attachment, the loyalty has to be to each other, first and foremost. So when it comes time to make plans for a vacation, oftentimes the man or the woman who is linked to his mother or a father are checking in with them first. And so what happens is that the partner, the wife or the husband of the enmeshed man or a woman feels second, they feel left out of the decision making process. They often become resentful that they have to put up with this.

There is a lot of conflict that begins to ensue. And what happens is that it feels to this partner, as if the mother or father has inserted himself or herself rightinto the marriage, right into the couple ship. And so, what happens is that the adults never have a clean relationship between each other.