This program is ground -breaking and keeps you centered in recovery. It has allowed me to remain in my marriage and conitnue my recovery.
At Kenneth M. Adams and Associates, we provide a range of services to deal with the problem of sex addiction, trauma, and sexual abuse. Sexual addiction recovery requires multiple interventions at critical points in the sexual addiction recovery process…
Sexual Addiction Workshops and Programs
Intensives and workshops may better address sex addiction/trauma in a safe but accelerated environment. Find the intensives and workshops offered for sex addiction recovery that we offer at Kenneth M. Adams and Associates here.
Workshops, Webinars and Programs
For a more detailed and comprehensive look into enmeshment, we’ve created You’ll find resources such as the blog, Dr. Adams’ books, upcoming workshops, and a list of therapists trained in enmeshment.
Sexual Addiction
My overall impression of the Beginnings Care Program in regards to codependency and addiction is both informative and supportive! Giving me the opportunity to learn, grow and heal rather than continue with all the negative coping. It has also benefited my recovery by helping me to ‘detach’ and be healthier while doing so.
This program is a great program. It is an outlet for an addictive problem, that goes beyond a 12-Step Program. Number one benefit – Education. The education about this addiction was a godsend. Then the process of walking us through all those recovery steps with homework, was very good. Makes you think and recognize what this addiction has done to your life.
Very informative. The program gave me the tools necessary to start and be able to maintain sobriety. The speakers were wonderful and things were broken down into easy to follow language. Thanks to everyone.
Incredible! I am learning to listen to my body. Each week I learn something new about myself through the homework. Much greater awareness. I have choices. Learning not to be so reactionary. I feel freer.